An interview is the perfect opportunity for you to show potential employers and employees what it would be like to work with you. How you show up and what you do during an interview can have a tremendous impact on how the interviewees feel about how you would fit into their work world, so taking the time to be professional is going to benefit your ability to impress and get a job offer. Here are 4 things to put into practice when you are interviewing:
Showing up on time to an interview is mandatory. It shows you have so many other skills such as responsibility and dependability. An employer needs to know they can count on you to show up on time.
Personality trait
Think about a personality trait you will be able to show to the interviewer/s- they want to know you better. Are you very outgoing and a people person- you can talk about this, but also show it throughout your interview. Are you calm and easy going? Think about a trait, attribute or attitude you possess that other people compliment you on. Harness that and bring it out during an interview.
Research the company you are applying for, anticipate what they might ask and self- reflect on your own experiences so you are prepared to answer the questions. If you have supplemental job items such as certificates or letters of recommendation, make sure you bring a few copies. Bringing copies of your printed resume is a good practice too, not everyone on the interview panel may have had the opportunity to review all applications or resumes.
What you wear and how you portray yourself will make a huge impact on the impression you make. Be friendly, dress professionally and speak with confidence. Your first impression may be a key factor to how an employer will feel about hiring you, but you will also have your opportunity to present yourself during the interview so make sure you state all the great things about yourself. Maintain eye contact with everyone in the room, don’t fidget, don’t use filler words- those are the things that show that you are unprepared or anxious. It’s okay to be nervous! You just want to show the most professional, confident side of yourself that you can.